How to write a blogs to rank Fast:-If you have a blog, you should keep these points in mind. As you know that “CONTENT IS KING.” So today, we will discuss how to write a good blog post for your blog. Without wasting any further time, let’s roll into the content.
how to write a proper post
1. Write the articles with You and I: When you write with the words “you” and “I,” it creates a one and one interaction with the readers, and the readers will love your article. If you don’t use the words “you” and “I,” it will make your blog post look like a college lecture, and the readers might not look into your article.
2. Adding a Conclusion at the end: Adding a conclusion at the end helps many readers. Many users don’t have time to go through the whole article, and if you write a conclusion, it will allow them to get the entire article’s concept through the conclusion. So, after adding an extensive article, always add a small decision at the end.
3. Avoid making grammatical errors: If you make grammatical errors in your blog, it will lower the quality of the post and also, making errors is not a healthy habit in terms of SEO. So, to avoid grammatical errors, you can always take the help of Grammarly, which is an AI-based assistant software that may help you to write quality posts.
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4. Use more paragraphs: Writing a big post is not good because as a survey says “8 out of 10 people will read the title of your blog and 2 of them will click to see the full article”. So, Use more paragraphs because adding more paragraphs will break the full article in many subs articles and readers will love to read it.
5. Use clickbait in Titles: Clickbait in titles means to write “catchy” titles that will attract the readers to click on your articles. As you know that titles are the most important part of the blog post because users will see the title first then they will click in the article. So clickbait titles will boost your visitors in the blog. There are many ways to write clickbait titles but the best way is to use the Content row for making your titles. You can always use many other tools available on the internet to catchy headlines.
Conclusion: Today I have discussed the top 5 methods about How to write a blogs to rank Fast in google. Moreover, there are still many tips to write a good blog post, but I have chosen the best tips which you can apply in your blog to get results not immediately but definitely. If you have any question feel free to comment down below and I will surely read that.